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About Karli McClane

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Karli McClane
In sharing some of her experiences and observations, Karli's goal is to help others who have had to endure abuse from psychopaths, sociopaths, personality disordered individuals (narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, antisocial), and other emotional vampires that thrive on inflicting harm and causing misery.

Child Abuse: Toddlers and Tanning?

Some people should not be allowed to reproduce. A New Jersey mother of a five-year-old  faces child endangerment charges for allegedly exposing her daughter to the UV rays from a tanning bed. If you haven't seen this yet, you can read about it here. No way to tell for sure if this mommy is personality disordered or a sociopath, but body dysmorphic disorder is probably a safe bet. At any rate, she's not exactly what you'd refer to as mentally stable.

When I read about this, it reminded me of an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The gang finds a baby in a dumpster, and Dee and Mac try to exploit him for money. They take the baby boy to a tanning salon to get a base tan, so that he can become an actor/model. It's hard to explain out of context, but you can watch the tanning salon clip here.

A tanning salon is no place for children, and it's baffling that an attendant had no problem letting Patricia Krentcil take her little girl into the room with her while she tanned. Ms. Krentcil claims her daughter wore protective goggles and played in the room but that she wasn't exposed to the UV rays. In case you hadn't already guessed, I'm just not buying that.

Staff members at the girl's school were concerned when the child went in with a sunburn and ratted her mom out for taking her tanning. What did the mother have to say for herself? "There's tons of moms that bring their children in." (Referring to the salon). She also equated it to taking a child to the supermarket with you.

That's a very poor defense. Taking your child shopping with you does not involve going into a private room with her, shutting the door, and possibly exposing her skin to harmful ultraviolet rays. Shopping for food is done in the public eye.

The father defended mom, and his response was equally inane. "It was 85 degrees outside, she got sunburned. That's it. That's all that happened." 85 degree weather does not cause sunburns. Being directly exposed to ultraviolet rays causes sunburns.

In the video clip, Ms. Krentcil goes on to state that her daughter, who has very fair skin, hasn't been exposed to a tanning bed, but when she turns eighteen, it will be her choice if she wants to tan. This is a woman who refers to herself (in the video) as a princess or a Barbie, and there's no doubt she turns a lot of heads, but for a different reason. By the time this kid turns eighteen, her mom is going to look like one of the California Raisins and, hopefully, that will be reason enough for this girl not to go anywhere near a tanning booth.

© Karli McClane and Psycho Free Zone, 2009 - Present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Karli McClane and Psycho Free Zone with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



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