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About Karli McClane

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Karli McClane
In sharing some of her experiences and observations, Karli's goal is to help others who have had to endure abuse from psychopaths, sociopaths, personality disordered individuals (narcissistic, borderline, histrionic, antisocial), and other emotional vampires that thrive on inflicting harm and causing misery.

About Karli McClane

Psyco-Free Zone

Karli McClane and Psycho-Free Zone hope to increase emotional abuse awareness as well as provide a source of validation and support to abuse survivors.

Emotional Abuse Awareness


After almost two decades of having some type of psychopathic presence either directly or indirectly overshadowing my life, I've been feeling a need to chronicle these misadventures. Originally, I planned to start from the beginning and do a thorough job of documenting my experiences in as much detail as possible. It's a kind of mental purging, a way to gain more insight into myself, my abuse experiences and how they've shaped me.

But the thought of going back to the start of all this, to get it all out, and try to put it in order, is a bit overwhelming. I don't need to relive my experiences from beginning to end (although I'm writing a book, because I feel compelled to do so), but my analytical mind is caught up in the mechanics of these relationships (between the personality disordered and their victims). The behaviors are truly fascinating.

I lived with a psychopath for a while, and then I moved out. Unfortunately, I was dumb enough to move back in at a later time, and that's when things really went off the rails. Once I got away from him for good, things got even more interesting. Together, my best friend (now husband) and I realized that the vindictive, overgrown child he was divorcing was even more of a monster than the one I had lived with.

Sorting that out with him turned out to be more painful than my own previous experiences. I'm blogging as a way of healing and gaining perspective. I also hope to increase emotional abuse awareness as well as provide a source of validation and support to abuse survivors. It's especially important to anyone still suffering in an abusive relationship, and those freshly out of one, to realize that their situation is neither unique nor do they have to remain trapped in a miserable situation.




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